Listing Policy

For use of our Site and other services, please confirm and declare that you shall not list or post or provide information in relation to the sale or purchase or exchange of goods and services, content or information that are illegal under the laws of the India and/or are not permitted as per the prohibited items policy listed below.

Prohibited Items Policy.
a. We specifically prohibit any listing or posting of classifieds or information in relation to the following items:

1. Alcoholic Beverages, Liquor, tobacco products, drugs, psychotropic substances, narcotics, intoxicants of any description, medicines, palliative/curative substances nor shall you provide link directly or indirectly to or include descriptions of items, goods or services that are prohibited under any applicable law for the time being in force including but not limited to the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the Drugs And Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954 Narcotic Drug and Prohibited Substances Act and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

2. Living, dead person and/or the whole or any part of any human which has been kept or preserved by any means whether artificial or natural including any blood, bodily fluids and/ or body parts.

3. Prostitution or any other service in the nature there of that purports to violate the provisions of Immoral Act or Indecent representation of women which violates the contemporary standards of morality and decency in Indian society.

4. Religious items, including books, artifacts, etc. or any information, description of any such item that is likely to affect the religious sentiments of any person or group.

5. Mature Audiences Policy includes films which do not have a certificate for public exhibition issued by the Central Board of Film Certification and or described and depict or otherwise deal with matters which are revolting or repulsive and or tend to deprave a persons mind in such a way that they tend to offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults.

6. Obscene Items includes items which contain an indecent representation of women within the meaning of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986; Any publication or film or item that describes or depicts a minor who is, or who appears to be, under 18 (whether the minor is engaged in sexual activity or not) and any computer games not suitable for minor that are unsuitable for a minor to see or play.

7. Offensive Material intended for use in a sexual setting (including "bondage" and "fetish" items,) displaying sexual activity or portraying human genitalia in a "life-like" or realistic fashion.

8. "Antiquities" and "Art Treasures" in violation of the provisions of the Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, 1972 ("the Act").

9. Information or items that are defamatory, libelous, threatening or abusive in nature.

10. Information that is fraudulent, misrepresenting as to the nature and use of the goods or the services.

11. Counterfeit, Pirated and stolen goods or unauthorized illegal services (services for which you are not licensed or permitted to do or do not have the authority to under take).

12. Items, goods and services that infringe or attempt to pass off any third parties intellectual property or rights of publicity or moral rights and or purport's to breach any persons right to privacy.

13. Electronically transmitting through any medium computer viruses of any type or any computer program that facilitates hacking of a computer system which the intent to damage a computer or computer network or intercept any personal data.

14. Your information shall not include any hate content, that is derogatory or slanderous in nature that may directed to any individual or group or advocate violence against any users individuals and or animals.

15. Hazardous chemicals and pesticides and/ or items in violation of Hazardous Chemicals Act, 1985.

16. Fireworks, Destructive Devices and Explosives including any material that enables the making of fireworks, explosive triggers and explosive devices.

17. Identity Documents, Personal Financial Records & Personal Information (in any form, including mailing lists).

18. Lottery Tickets, Sweepstakes Entries and Slot Machines.

19. Items in violation of the Food Adulteration Act, 1954.

20. Military or Police Badges, Uniforms, coats-of-arms and or any Government emblems, insignia, and/ or items in violation of Emblems and names (Prevention of improper use) Act, 1950 and/ or Flag Codes of India Act, 2002.

21. Weapons and related items (such as firearms, firearm parts and magazines, ammunition, tear gas, stun guns, switchblade knives or any other item which is prohibited under the Indian Arms Act, 1959.

22. "Pyramid schemes" and "Multilevel Marketing" and/ or similar scams which are solely listed for the purpose of defrauding users.

23. Spam, abusive, duplicate, listing, fraud schemes (e.g. "Get rich quick" "work at homes" scams which are solely listed for the purpose of duping users).

24. Inappropriate, Wrong Category (e.g dining table listed as office furniture).

25. Incorrect City / Location of Listing (listing allowed only in the city you are based in, of listing).

International Listings:

Without prejudice to the generality of the above Scrapsell does not permit posting or listing of classifieds in relation to the following:
1. "Securities" within the meaning of the Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956, including shares, bonds, debentures, etc. and/or any other financial instruments/assets of any description.
2. Living, dead creatures and/or the whole or any part of any animal which has been kept or preserved by any means whether artificial or natural including rugs, skins, specimens of animals, antlers, horns, hair, feathers, nails, teeth, musk, eggs, nests, other animal products of any description the sale and purchase of which is prevented or restricted in any manner by applicable laws (including those prohibited under The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and/ or The Environment Protection Act, 1986) c. Your listing, information, Advertisement;
1. Shall not be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing. Further shall not be fraudulent, misrepresenting, misleading or pertain to the sale of any illegal, counterfeit, stolen goods and or services which do not belong to you or you do not have the authority for. Further still shall not infringe any intellectual property, trade secret, or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party.
2. Shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots, easter eggs or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.
3. Shall not be allowed to libel anyone or include hate, derogatory, slanderous speech directed at individuals or groups. You should not advocate violence against other users or individuals or groups.
4. In addition to the above and for the purposes of clarity all Users shall be expected to adhere to and comply with the following Policies while listing of items:
1. Restricted Item Policy:In addition to the above prohibited items policy users shall also adhere to and comply with the restricted items policy while listing, posting or providing information in relation to any goods or services.
2. The listing for sales of the following items is permitted: a. Cats and Dogs unless exotic. b. Aquarium or pond fish, snails or similar creatures. c. Live insects, crickets and worms used as bait or feeder food for pets.
3. Duplicate Ad listings are not allowed. Any ad posted more than once with the same content or Title in the same city and category would be considered as a Duplicate Ad. We advise you to post multiple ads only if you have different items or services for sale. All duplicate ads would be deleted and posters penalized if the problem persists.
4. Mature Audience/Sexually oriented material: Classifieds relating to items that includes items intended for use in sexual activity would not be permitted. (An example of such classifieds relating to an item not normally permitted would be a classified for the sale of a vibrator). Please also be aware that titles with graphic adult language are inappropriate, regardless of the item contained in the listing itself. Consequences of Breach of Listing Policy Users who violate the prohibited items policy and or the restricted items policy may be subject to the following actions. 1. Suspension or termination of membership. 2. Permanent blocking of access to the site. 3. Reporting to Law Enforcement or Appropriate Authorities.